Fine Gael TD and Minister of State Martin Heydon has confirmed funding of over €1.75m for the Kildare Town Renewal Plan today.
“Funding of €5.5m under the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund was announced for 7 projects nationwide today by my colleague Minister Heather Humphreys. I am delighted that the largest allocation of the 7 projects is to the Kildare Town Renewal Plan which has been allocated over €1.75m.
“This funding will go towards the preparation of plans for the redesign of the Market Square and for a pedestrian link from Kildare Village to the town centre. The project, which is being led by Kildare County Council will be a further boost to the town and help to attract more visitors to the town.
“Working with my colleagues Cllrs Mark Stafford and Kevin Duffy and local community representatives, I look forward to seeing these exciting plans for Kildare town progressed.”